Day of the parasite game
Day of the parasite game

day of the parasite game

Being willing to do whatever is necessary to succeed. Taking what you feel is yours and “owning” it.

day of the parasite game

Some might even argue that’s the “purest” form of what capitalism represents. For people like the Kim family in Parasite, there is no real hope of ever attaining what the Park family has without quite literally taking it by force. Namely, the stratum that already happened to have been born with the requisite silver spoon in their mouth needed to ascend even higher on capitalism’s preordained stratification. Pushed to the brink by what “society” demands via the system that’s somehow deemed “best” for “everyone.”Īs mentioned, however, it is only “best” for a select sect of the social strata. While those who have never experienced the fear and anxiety that come with having to worry about making “regular” ends meet and/or crippling, insurmountable debt might be “skeptical,” both Parasite and Squid Game speak to the ways in which humans can adopt their basest (therefore “most natural”) form as a result of money. In short, what’s portrayed in both Joon-ho Bong’s Parasite and Dong-hyuk Hwang’s Squid Game. But because those who absorb the pop culture that’s “available” (i.e., that’s trending) are indoctrinated with the belief that it is normal, it becomes intentionally “jarring” when that so-called normalcy is pitted against abject poverty-better known as: the real normal. The normalization of “middle classery,” however, is not at all the norm for most. That they, too, can aspire to one day maybe have some semblance of the success they see paraded before them on various forms of mass communication. Or it is, but for such a minuscule part of the global population that it shouldn’t take all this screaming and shouting to convince those at the top that what works for some ultimately works for none.īut then, that’s the whole gambit of capitalism, innit? Convince the many who have not benefitted from it that there’s a “chance” for them as well.

day of the parasite game

That truth, of course, is the fact that capitalism isn’t working. A loud and clear truth that no one-even after all that’s happened since both the “election” of Donald Trump and the advent of a major pandemic-seems to want to process in a manner that will generate palpable systemic change (itself requiring the proverbial blow-up of the entire system). There is a message being repeated over and over.

Day of the parasite game